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Thursday, February 25, 2016

Creating “Share This on Facebook/Twitter” Links

Creating “Share This on Facebook/Twitter” Links

Share on Twitter Links

Creating a link to automatically fill in some Tweet text is pretty simple. You just need to know some additional code to stick into the HTML link code. Let’s take a look:
To make a link that, when clicked, sends the clicker to this:
Auto Tweet Example Screenshot
…use the following code:
<a href="http://twitter.com/share?text=An%20Awesome%20Link&url=http://www.google.com">
Share This on Twitter</a>
  • Blue is the HTML code
  • Green is the code that gets Twitter to generate a tweet through a link
  • Red is the text of the tweet. You can’t use spaces in this area of HTML but you can get spaces in your tweet text by typing %20 instead.
  • Orange is the URL that will be included in the tweet. Twitter will automatically shorten it to save space.
  • Black is what the link will say
Learn how to add #-hashtags and @-tag users with Share this on Twitter links.

Share on Facebook Links

Creating auto-share links for someone’s Facebook Wall is just as easy.
To make a link that, when clicked, sends the clicker to this:

…use the following code:
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http://www.google.com">
Share This Link on Facebook</a>
  • Blue is the HTML code
  • Green is the code that gets Facebook to generate a wall post through a link
  • Orange is the URL that will be attached to the post.
  • Black is what the link will say
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